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Tuesday 12 May 2009

take my hand and forgive me...

because of the sensitivity of other reader...i really need to delete those previous post ...bukan ape akak sekadar lepas geram je...almaklum le akak ni...marah sekejap je..bila cool down ...back to normal..gila2 balik...

previous post....

its not to insult other people feeling..cuma lepas those who feel that previous entry agak keterlaluan so sorry...i admit my own mistake..sometime we say what we feel..even think bout other people feeling...end of the story its all bout work and dedication to ur work...

I'm not your superwoman ...I'm not the kind of girl that you can let down... And think that everything's okay ....Hey, I am only human ...i just more than occasional...Hugs as a token of love from my friend to me......thats all...

If you feel it in your heart....And you understand me....Stop right where you are....Everybody cik cur along with me....(sorry akak feeling Karyn White jap)

so akak dah back to those yang akak bengang td..sorry blood level back to normal now...itew lah ko kak senduk..lain kali cerca lah orang tu balik kan...jangan simpan2... bukan ape .. td akak try to as profesional as i can..but people still cant eccept me...

to my bos..if u think my prevous entry is to so sorry ..i admit that i over the top just now...u are the best...(walhal takut ni) the C..C.. sorry kay...i already forgive you...ape pun yang terjadi yang penting meriahuolss.... tomorow the new mood will come..hopefully its will be the best...:)

hey senduk " what are u thinking!"....u will ruin your career with the way love u olsss...amacam akak ni drama tak?
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